Ausveg: 4 of 5

Aussie veggie industry grows to $3.8B

Aussie veggie industry grows to $3.8B

THE gross value of Australia's vegetable industry production has jumped $500 million in just 12 months,

02 June 2014

Cairns promoted by horticultural event

Cairns promoted by horticultural event

AUSTRALIA'S largest horticultural convention, the Ausveg National Convention, Trade Show and Awards for

21 May 2014

Aussie veg industry must spread roots

Aussie veg industry must spread roots

THE global marketplace needs to be the Australian vegetable industry's number one focus to ensure its

05 May 2014

Potato growers defy gravity

Potato growers defy gravity

RESEARCHERS from Cornell University in the United States have begun utilising revolutionary aeroponic

02 May 2014

China's agricultural soil laden with toxic chemicals

China's agricultural soil laden with toxic chemicals

REPORTS that nearly 20% of China's agricultural land is contaminated with toxic heavy metals have further

23 April 2014

Downplaying zebra chip risk a dangerous game

Downplaying zebra chip risk a dangerous game

CLAIMS New Zealand potatoes do not pose a substantive risk to the Australian industry have been slammed

07 April 2014

Veg seminar to showcase advanced developments

Veg seminar to showcase advanced developments

WATERCRESS varieties that have been developed to taste like aniseed, oysters and citrus lead a number

02 April 2014

Vegetable growers' debt levels almost triple

Vegetable growers' debt levels almost triple

THE average total debt of Australian vegetable growers is estimated to have almost tripled in the seven

10 February 2014


Utrisha N: The new biostimulant boosting broadacre yield potential

Extensive trials conducted across Australia show boosted yields in a wide range of


Maximise your nitrogen use efficiency

Losing nitrogen to the environment can be costly.


Safety first for the year ahead

Since 1870, Blundstone, have supported & protecting farmers across Australia from


Precise and Productive Seeding Equipment

The success of next year's harvest begins now, with strong preparation and planning.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Farming Ahead team.

A growing series of reports, each focused on a key discussion point for the farming sector, brought to you by the Farming Ahead team.


Research Report: High Horsepower Tractors

Kondinin Group has rounded up some real broadacre muscle in this Research Report - looking at 447kW (600hp)-plus tractors.


Research Report: Sheds

Sheds play a vital role in farming, offering shelter and protection for people, machinery, livestock and valuable inputs like chemicals and fertiliser.


Research Report: Harvest Weed Seed Mills

The Report includes a round up of commercially-available batching plants as well as farmer-made approaches.


Research Report: Agritechnica 2023

Kondinin Group’s Mark Saunders, Ben White and Josh Giumelli went to Agritechnica, Germany. This report covers the key award winners from the event and some of the latest autonomous platforms displayed.